Synthedia is conducting research comparing the performance of a variety of text-to-image and text-to-text generation AI models. You have probably read a number of posts here about DALL-E, Midjourney, GPT-3, or Jasper AI. These are just the tip of the iceberg in this space, and Synthedia decided to conduct a structured analysis of leading solutions to see what we could learn and share with the community.
We are looking for a few people to review some of the data output. No experience with the solutions is required. Reviewers will be provided with either images or text and asked a few questions about the model output. That’s it.
If you would like to participate, we would appreciate your feedback on the research data. We will also invite you to a private screening of the analysis and findings, along with a Q&A session ahead of the publication.
Just click the button below and let us know that you would like to participate.