Synthedia is compiling our first-ever predictions article. We are looking for experts and close observers of the synthetic media industry or underlying technology to tell us what they believe will be significant developments in 2023. We think you may be a good fit for this task, given your interest in the topic and participation in the Synthedia community.
I cannot guarantee all predictions will be included, as that will likely depend on how many submissions we receive. However, the team will try to incorporate as many as practical in our predictions roundup. We definitely want to get a sense of what everyone is expecting to develop next year and are happy to help drive some interesting discussions as well as provide full credit to the people offering insight.
The results will be posted here in the Synthedia newsletter and as an article in which will provide additional reach. We may even use it for some other things we have planned for early 2023. Every prediction we use will cite the person and their company unless the submitter would instead just like to be sourced as an individual.
I hope many Synthedia readers will submit. We will only be accepting submissions for about 10 days, so you might as well jump on this now, as it will only take a few minutes. This should be fun! 😀