$42 goes a long way in the OpenAI playground. Or with the GPT-3 API. This seems to be a deal for people who’ve been wowed by ChatGPT, but haven’t really done much research on alternatives.

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Hi Bret,

Am both excited and concerned reading this post. Am perfectly happy to pay for ChatGPT Pro with additional benefits and priority access. But 42 USD is a bit much especially given some of us are still figuring out the precise ROI from using ChatGPT. 42 USD would mean we should at least earn more than 300 USD to afford it.

The other concern is excessive reliance on ChatGPT. Am usually a very sharp copyeditor and use ChatGPT for better work management. This has helped me maintain quality and speed up delivery, but can these alone be reasons to buy ChatGPT Pro services?

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Great points. Other AI writing assistant are charging around that or more so I guess it depends on your use case and frequency of use. I am most intrigued about what they expect to have as new features. Some people are telling me this is entirely reasonable and others are saying that anything more than $10 is not viable. So, I guess supply / demand forces will play this out.

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Maybe it will be better with GPT 4

But right now the answers are to often wrong to be sold as a production ready software.

especially because they added a lot of response limitations...I hope they will remove some of these limitation so that it is allowed to speak more deeply about certain subjects such as medical advice. Offcourse it should always warn that it's medical answer might be wrong or interpreted differently and that the user should always contact the doctor to discuss the issue. But it should not hide this intelligence. Same for chemical questions.

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