Mar 10, 2023Liked by Bret Kinsella

Great timeline. Comments on inaccuracies concerning OpenAI models, plus spelling issues.

A. The GPT-1 model is dated 2016, but this cannot be correct, because it uses the transformer architecture described in the Google paper of 2017. The OpenAI announcement of GPT-1 is dated June 11, 2018. Reference here: https://openai.com/research/language-unsupervised . The paper itself has no date attached; at the bottom of page 1 it merely says "Preprint. Work in progress." So your timeline should have the entry for GPT-1 moved down by 2 years. Note: There is an OpenAI research web page on Generative Models dated June 16, 2016 here: https://openai.com/research/generative-models, but it discusses these models in the context of image generation (GANs and friends), not for text generation.

B. Misspelling: Universal Setnence Encoder - should be "Sentence"

C. Bert should always be spelled BERT.

D. GPT-2 was announced on February 14, 2019 - link here: https://openai.com/research/better-language-models. Your timeline dates it to 2018. The final release of the 1.5B parameter model was actually in November 2019.

E. The announcement of GPT-3 is dated May 28, 2020. Link: https://openai.com/research/language-models-are-few-shot-learners. Your timeline says June 2020.

F. The OpenAI announcement of Codex is dated July 07, 2021. Link here: https://openai.com/research/evaluating-large-language-models-trained-on-code. Your timeline says August 2020.

G. The evolution of GPT-3 includes WebGPT and InstructGPT. You may want to include their announcements by OpenAI on your timeline. WebGPT (Dec. 16, 2021): https://openai.com/research/webgpt; InstructGPT(Jan. 27, 2022): https://openai.com/research/instruction-following

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Mar 2, 2023·edited Mar 2, 2023Liked by Bret Kinsella

I think there will be a tremendous demand for industry-specific LLMs, possibly further tuned to a particular state or even city user base. And given we've already seen the capacity/processing power of previous mainframes reduced to a size and cost (over time) that allows us to now carry them around in our pocket - I'm wondering if we'll ever see the day people will have access to their own personal LLM tuned to what the individual wants/needs most.

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